About us

Our drive: The preservation of our nature.

We acquire natural areas of all kinds and protect them from exploitation. Whether meadows, forests or moors - nature is always worth protecting. We also take over and look after the properties of our partner company PLANT-MY-TREE®.
In this way, we are constantly increasing the number of German nature conservation areas. And are already ensuring the preservation of more than 1,000,000 trees. Our goal: to become the largest institutional owner of nature conservation areas in Germany.

My piece of forest. Our earth.


Reduce emissions


Preserving biodiversity


Resilience of nature


Widerstands-fähigkeit der Natur


Protect resources

Our love: Natural nature.

„Die Natur ist aufregend; sie ist die größte Quelle der Schönheit; sie regt unseren Intellekt an. Sie ist die größte Quelle so vieler Dinge, die das Leben lebenswert machen.“

– David Attenborough


And go even further:
Nature not only makes life worth living, it is the basis for life in the first place. When we talk about protecting the environment, we are also always talking about protecting ourselves.

"Nature is part of what remains."

– Gregor Schiemann

Our way: Green together.

Every donation counts. Online, you can always keep an eye on what your donation is being used for - including notifications about new developments and convenient management of your donation receipts.

Do you represent a company or an institution?

We are happy to support you in making a sustainable contribution to protecting our planet. And to reduce your company's environmental footprint. Kontaktieren Sie uns gern.

This means that our foundation grows like trees in a forest: together.


"PLANT-MY-TREE. The Foundation." is audited as a charitable foundation by the foundation supervisory authority and is a member of the Federal Association of German Foundations.

For us, trust is the basis of all cooperation. On request you can also visit our projects on site at any time - we look forward to seeing you!

"Can't see the wood for the trees?" That's exactly why you can see it even better with us.

Our foundation founder: Sören Brüntgens.


Founder and Managing Director of PLANT-MY-TREE® - company and foundation

"I didn't want to
stand idly by any longer."

– Sören Brüntgens

Forest dieback has been on Sören Brüntgens' mind for decades. However, green electricity contracts and fuel-saving small cars never went far enough for him.

His goal: to plant trees himself. This is how the story of PLANT-MY-TREE began in Remscheid in 2007 with 2,000 trees on two hectares.

And now? There are almost 200 times as many. Our founder wants to continue this life's work with "PLANT-MY-TREE. The Foundation." for future generations.

The company.

Plant trees

Provides easy access to climate protection for companies and individuals and supports the foundation.

The foundation.

Acquires, manages and maintains natural areas.

Protects the company's afforestation in the long term.